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Adeline Moonsamy

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Adeline Moonsamy

Year 5 Class Teacher

Adeline holds a Bachelors Degree in Primary Education complimented with a Masters Degree in Educational Leadership.

Before joining Repton, Adeline was at a prestigious British international school in the U.A.E., where she excelled as a Key Stage 2 class teacher and middle leader for several years. Her international teaching career added volumes of experience in educating students with diverse backgrounds and abilities. Adeline’s educational approach is anchored in four core principles: autonomy, collaboration, well-being and inclusivity.

Through the consistent application of these principles, Adeline has observed remarkable progress among all her students. She employs a variety of engaging teaching and learning activities specifically tailored to her students’ abilities, ensuring they reach their targets. Adeline firmly believes that appreciating and nurturing her students’ unique abilities is the key to unlocking their potential for high performance. Empowering students with 21st century skills to become global citizens serves as the driving force behind Adeline’s passion.

During her leisure time, Adeline enjoys cooking, swimming and reading. She has recently taken up the hobby of writing articles which she hopes to publish in the near future.